I have been neglecting this blog and I feel bad. Work in the past few months is like madness. I was fortunate to be able to take a week off and spend it in Seoul with my family. We love Seoul in fall. The weather and colors are beautiful!
When on holiday, food is very important to me. I searched the internet and read many blogs on the best ginseng chicken or samgyetang in Seoul. 2 names kept popping out and it became my mission to try both. Tosokchon is frequently recommended by many people. Korea Samgkyetang (or Goryeo to some people) is not as popular.
Samgyetang in Seoul: Tosokchon vs Korea Samgkyetang: Signboards |
Walk-in (locals and foreigners) guests at Korea Samgkyetang go into the restaurant on the ground floor and get to sit on chairs. I think the floors above the ground floor are for tour groups. Guests at Tosokchon have to remove their shoes and sit on the floor. The way they show you to your seats and the service they provide at Tosokchon makes me feel that the place is more like a factory than a restaurant.
We ordered the same thing at both places (to ensure that we have a fair test =)) .... the samgyetang and the chicken.
Samgyetang in Seoul: Tosokchon vs Korea Samgkyetang: Their main dish - Ginseng Chicken |
For the samgyetang, I prefer the one from Korea Samgyetang. We ordered the one with the wild ginseng in it (Won20,000). It comes piping hot (see the bubbling in the left picture above). It has ginseng shreds on top and the soup has a stronger ginseng taste. The side dishes include a bowl cold glutinous rice which helps to provide a balance to the piping hot soup and fill my stomach. The ginseng chicken from Tosokchon (Won15,000) is not piping hot (see the right picture above, it looks 'flat'), has sunflower seeds on top and I have to add the ginseng wine to the soup to get the ginseng kick. It is a bit of a let-down after the raving reviews that I have read online.
Samgyetang in Seoul: Tosokchon vs Korea Samgkyetang: Roasted Chicken |
Both places also serve chicken which is great for kids who do not take samgyetang. The roasted chicken at Tosokchon (Won15,000) has some ginseng marinade in it and my son did not like it. I cannot get used to it too. The rotisserie chicken from Korea Samgyetang is crispy, the meat is tender and when dipped into salt and pepper, it is delicious.
Samgyetang in Seoul: Tosokchon vs Korea Samgkyetang: Price list |
Prices at both places are about the same. Tosokchon is not worth the trouble of removing your shoes and sitting on the floor for their samgyetang and chicken. Thank goodness that we did not have to queue to get, otherwise, it would be a waste of our time.
This is just my opinion. If you go to Seoul, try both places and let me know what you think. =)
Till my next blog post, have some tonic soup! =)